The dangers of fentanyl has proliferated every community and age group throughout the state and country. Fresno County saw a sharp increase in deaths related to fentanyl overdoses in the past two years, culminating in a high school senior dying from a fentanyl overdose days before her graduation ceremony in 2021. Fresno County's DA and County Administrative Office responded by working with several departments and external agencies to quickly create a fentanyl awareness campaign. The challenges included a truncated time frame, which did not allow for new market research to shape the campaign, as well as different departments seeking to share vastly different messages, ranging from educating the public about the dangers of fentanyl to how to use Narcan in the event of an overdose. The campaign has since been adopted by other law enforcement agencies throughout the state and Assemblyman Jim Patterson introduced legislation (AB2365) to create a new state grant to fund outreach, prevention, and awareness of the fentanyl crisis. AB2365 will fund six pilot projects throughout the state focused on reducing fentanyl overdose and use. Local government agencies (education, law enforcement, public health, etc.) would apply for these grant funds.