Date & Time
Wednesday, May 3, 2023, 12:30 PM - 1:45 PM
Networking Lunch , CAPIO President's Address, & Guest Speaker Kathie Martin
This Luncheon address will introduce you to the 2023-2024 CAPIO Board of Directors as incoming president Lael Wageneck shares what is on the horizon for CAPIO.
His remarks will be followed by a fun and insightful speech by long-time member Kathie Martin entitled 5 Things I'll Miss (and 2 Things I Won't). As Kathie Martin prepares to retire in June, she will share a few insights on her CAPIO journey as a “Reluctant Communicator,” from new and nervous, to seasoned and stressed, and soon to be retired and rested.
Kathie Martin - Santa Clarita Valley Water Agency
Lael Wageneck, MPA, APR - Santa Barbara County Public Works Department
Lael Wageneck, MPA, APR - Santa Barbara County Public Works Department

Location Name
Regency Grand Ballroom Main