Date & Time
Monday, May 13, 2024, 2:15 PM - 3:15 PM
Community Fentanyl Awareness Campaign
Collaboration is key to success, and the Yuba County Fentanyl Task Force is a great example of this. In this session, you'll see how important it is to work together towards a common goal. This often requires stepping out of our individual silos and seeking the help of our community partners. The presentation will showcase how student-inspired billboards, a social media campaign, and parent forums can be effective in addressing issues within the community. By sharing their strategies and approaches, the task force hopes to inspire others to collaborate with their partners for success.
Amy Nore - Yuba County Office of Education
Rob Gregor - Schools of Yuba County
Clint Curry - Yuba County
Rob Gregor - Schools of Yuba County
Clint Curry - Yuba County

Location Name
Rhodes A&B