Creating a podcast is easy to create and is a tool to let the community know what your agency does. You can have the most basic devices to get started or you can have the newest technology - either way, your message can readily go out to inform the community. We created Brea Talks to keep our community informed on how the City works for them. Brea Talks helps us reach every demographic about every department and the latest news in the city. Internally, we created KBREA, a bi-weekly broadcast for City of Brea staff to listen to music and the latest organizational news, events, peer-to-peer shout outs and important activity in the City of Brea. The Communications and Marketing team are the radio hosts for the day who provide banter, generate polls, opportunities to win raffle prizes and create themed playlists (i.e. 90's, Girl Take Overs, Latin Hits, movie scores & more). KBREA is streamed through Microsoft Teams. Our broadcast has employee engagement all day long and it lends to connect with people in other departments. Since launching KBREA, staff seem to be in the know about what's going on in the City of Brea.
Dan Fenstermaker - City of Brea
Ruben Segura - City of Brea
Liz Pharis - City of Brea