Date & Time
Thursday, April 3, 2025, 3:45 PM - 4:45 PM
Checking the Pulse: How to Monitor Your Community’s Social Media Feed and Stay Engaged

In today’s digital world, communities not only come to City Hall for answers to their questions, but they seek information through social media. This is often the source of misinformation and community frustration when help is not available in a timely manner. While many agencies will implement social listening tools to monitor social media, many of these crucial conversations happen in private groups and forums. Join Tripepi Smith Senior Business Analyst Sara Madsen and City of Paramount Communications and Engagement Manager Pauline Jauregui for an in-depth reflection of the City’s innovative social media monitoring and engagement process. In this session, attendees will study the strategies employed by the City of Paramount to tap into these groups and forums around the clock and spread factual resources.

Sara Madsen