Full Name
Tia Graham
Job Title
Chief Happiness Officer
Arrive at Happy
Speaker Bio
Tia Graham is an Inspirationist and the Founder of Arrive At Happy, the first-ever Los Angeles-based company with a mission of inspiring transformation through the science of happiness. Tia partners with organizations and individuals to increase their daily happiness and, in turn, increase success in all areas of their lives. She has a Certificate in Happiness Studies and a Certificate in Teaching Happiness from Harvard’s Tal Ben-Shahar and The Happiness Studies Academy. Tia is a Certified Chief Happiness Officer from Woohoo Inc., Europe’s premier Happiness At Work organization and is a speaker and coach at the annual World Happiness Summit. Relying on science-backed empirical data, she has gained the insight needed to prove and teach that happiness indeed leads to success.
Tia’s natural state has always been upbeat and full of gratitude for the experiences and relationships that have helped shape and define her life. However, she faced unexpected turbulence once she had her second daughter and found herself struggling to “stay balanced” while juggling motherhood, work, marriage, friends and her sense of self. Graham had always dreamed of creating a happiness company and being a catalyst for positivity in the world. When she saw her own happiness dwindling, she knew it was time to grab hold of her life in a new way, and work to turn this entrepreneurial vision into a reality. Tia found her inner clarity during the time of real struggle and knows that this is her calling. She inspires leaders and people to reach their full potential, live life to the fullest and to arrive at happy – every day.
Infused with compassionate, loving, hopeful, gracious energy and her bubbly sense of humor, her thought-provoking presentations incorporate music, video, audience experiences, movement and the spoken word to elevate the consciousness of the entire room. Tia uses her rich life experiences, positive mindset, open heart and love of life to guide each speaking engagement. She knows happiness leads to success in life and not the other way around. Her talks intertwine her personal stories, the science of happiness, cultural learnings, optimism and authentic passion. Audiences leave inspired and empowered to Arrive At Happy daily with actionable steps they can implement immediately.
Tia’s natural state has always been upbeat and full of gratitude for the experiences and relationships that have helped shape and define her life. However, she faced unexpected turbulence once she had her second daughter and found herself struggling to “stay balanced” while juggling motherhood, work, marriage, friends and her sense of self. Graham had always dreamed of creating a happiness company and being a catalyst for positivity in the world. When she saw her own happiness dwindling, she knew it was time to grab hold of her life in a new way, and work to turn this entrepreneurial vision into a reality. Tia found her inner clarity during the time of real struggle and knows that this is her calling. She inspires leaders and people to reach their full potential, live life to the fullest and to arrive at happy – every day.
Infused with compassionate, loving, hopeful, gracious energy and her bubbly sense of humor, her thought-provoking presentations incorporate music, video, audience experiences, movement and the spoken word to elevate the consciousness of the entire room. Tia uses her rich life experiences, positive mindset, open heart and love of life to guide each speaking engagement. She knows happiness leads to success in life and not the other way around. Her talks intertwine her personal stories, the science of happiness, cultural learnings, optimism and authentic passion. Audiences leave inspired and empowered to Arrive At Happy daily with actionable steps they can implement immediately.
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