San Bernardino County is the largest county by geographic size in the lower 48 states, covering more than 20,000 square miles (i.e., twice the size of New Jersey). There are 1.17 registered voters and 1.7 million eligible voters spread across this massive footprint. The 2024 Presidential Primary Election presents two significant differences from other elections: an earlier date (March versus June) and crossover voting where the American Independent, Democratic and Libertarian parties allow “crossover” voting by voters registered as No Party Preference. The Republican, Green, and Peace and Freedom parties tentatively are not allowing crossover voting in this election. That means, voters who are registered as No Party Preference and would like to vote for a Republican, Green, or Peace & Freedom Presidential candidate must re-register with that party to vote for that party's presidential candidate. The need to properly communicate the earlier election date and crossover-voting details requires clear communications, dedicated voter education materials and resources, and an attention-grabbing effort that fits the purpose of the Registrar of Voters. The BallotMobile was created as a strategy to address this situation. By visiting each city and other well-trafficked locations with pop-up events that can activate local residents with messages concerning how to register to vote and the four ways to vote, the BallotMobile will create meaningful community engagement across the entire county, appeal to local news outlets that will cover the traveling exhibit, and demonstrate the San Bernardino County Registrar of Voters’ commitment to educating all current and prospective voters on the important differences of the Primary Election. The BallotMobile enables San Bernardino County Registrar of Voters to take a leadership position among other statewide counties in voter education and outreach with a novel approach to reaching all current and future voters, especially across such a large geographic footprint.
Stephenie Shea - San Bernardino County
David Wert - San Bernardino County