Date & Time
Friday, October 4, 2024, 10:30 AM - 11:30 AM
Leading Through the Crisis Communications Cycle

Organizations are continuously in a stage of the crisis communications cycle- preparing, responding and then recovering before the loop begins again. As a communications leader, different skills and approaches are required for each stage of the cycle. Carrie Braun of the Orange County, California Sheriff’s Department will provide a window into the Department’s communications response to a mass shooting incident and highlight the skills needed, approaches used, challenges overcome and lessons learned while leading a communications team before, during, and after the tragedy. The presentation will also address the unique challenges that arise when leading crisis communications efforts when you are a team of one. We will explore resilience as an essential leadership skill and why cultivating resilience both personally and professionally will benefit any crisis communications leader.

Jaimee Blashaw Carrie Braun
Location Name
Contra Costa Ballroom