In July 2019, the City of San José’s Environmental Services Department (ESD) began conducting recycling outreach to address highly soiled recycled materials in recycling carts. Highly dirtied recyclable materials are not accepted and are landfilled instead of recycled. ESD staff developed a Recycle Right marketing campaign directing residents to a data-driven web site,, to educate what is recyclable and what is not. In spring 2021, ESD conducted a pilot to improve residents’ recycling behavior by replacing recycling cart lids with trilingual graphic labels showing what is recyclable. Subsequently, a team sampled recycling materials from nearly 5,000 single-family homes along five collection routes in parts of San José where recycling cart lids with labels were replaced. The audit found the recycling contamination rates dropped mostly by about 20%. In January and April 2022, ESD sent recycling report cards/letters (with behavior change elements) and graphic labels (from pilot) to over 200,000 households to help change recycling habits and provide alternatives. In the workshop, the presenter will cover: • Identify problem: highly soiled recyclable materials in recycling containers • San José’s Recycle Right marketing campaign • Reach a diverse community including Spanish and Vietnamese audiences • Review a report card/letter and label • Results of the pilot
Monika Starr - City of San Jose Environmental Services/Communications