Today’s Public Information Officer is often the singular communications professional tasked with the job of an entire marketing department. As messaging has become increasingly complex in the post-pandemic landscape, building professional communications networks has never been more important. How can PIOs maximize these often less-than-ideal conditions for their agencies’ benefit? By collaborating across their city, county or agency networks to reach new audiences, build trust, and establish legitimacy. Laying the Foundation: We will address how to establish meaningful professional relationships among PIO colleagues to create the ideal environment for bolstering collaboration. The foundation for partnerships can range from joint messaging on programs, events, and resources, to establishing internal networks to be able to respond effectively to a crisis. Sharing the Message & Creating Partnerships: We will offer tips for effective approaches and elements PIOs should consider when crafting their strategy - resources, skillsets, and multi-dimensional messaging. A real-life case study will be presented demonstrating successful messaging with the Ventura County Health Care Agency and Sheriff’s Office regarding homelessness outreach. Attendees will be encouraged to grow established relationships, explore enhanced messaging opportunities, and leverage mutual resources and talents. There will be an emphasis on exploring colleagues’ experiences to enrich lifelong professional advancement.